Supplier Tiger

Why SupplierTiger?


Make your Supplier Enlistment process Automated
Save Time & Cost to Discover new supplier
Maintain up-to-date information of Suppliers
View complete profile of supplier including Financial, statutory,experience etc.
Minimize risk by dealing with qualified 1 million Global Suppliers
Supplier Grading/Rating for Procurement preference
Easy to integrate with ERP


Opportunities to enlist with 100’s of new Buyers
Daily Alert of Tender Result/Contract Award
Sub-contract facilitation
Opportunities to Register with Government
Buy Leads from Corporate
SupplierTiger.Com provides online Supplier Management Tools where you can make your entire Supplier enlistment process automated. You can create standard Supplier enlistment form which can be hosted on a dedicate supplier sub portal. New supplier can submit their request along with all supporting documents. Existing supplier also can update their profile. You can verify all documents and you also can accept/reject them. Supplier management Application is easy to integrate with your existing SAP/ERP system.

SupplierTiger.Com is committed to provide you high-quality supplier. If you want to buy any service/product, we will help you to identify maximum numbers of supplier who can match with your requirement. Save your time by eliminating factors to google supplier, gather data, contact them, and to judge whether they are capable or not to fulfill your requirement. You just need to post your requirement on SupplierTiger.Com, we will share detailed profile of Supplier including financial, experience, Technical, credential, etc.

Benefits for Buyers:
  • Make Enlistment process automate
  • Update Existing Supplier profile
  • Maintain up-to-date information of Suppliers
  • Supplier Grading/Rating for Procurement preference
  • Save Time & Cost to find new suppliers
  • Find suppliers from more than 10 lakh users
  • Minimize risk by dealing with qualified 1 million Global Suppliers
Click here to Register as Purchase Manager.

By using SupplierTiger.Com, you can have opportunities to enlist with 100’s of new Buyers. All you have to do is to register on and start getting new business opportunities from Buyers. Apart from enlistment opportunities, you will get Contract Award information, Sub-contracting opportunities, Vendor/firm Registration request from government/corporates which will open new business market for you.

Why Register on SupplierTiger:
  • Opportunities to Enlist with new Buyers
  • Daily alert of Tender Result/Contract Award
  • Sub-contract Facilitation
  • Opportunities of Vendor/Firm Registration with Government/Corporate
Click here to Register as Supplier.
Application to publish Tender Result online for Government/PSU Department:

As per CVC guideline, it is mandatory for all government departments as well PSU to upload all Tender Result/Contract award details online. (Ref: (CVC circular No. 005/VGL/4 Dated 16th Mar 2005), (005/VGL/4 Dated the 1st Sep 2006). This move has been taken by the CVC to improve transparency on the contract award process. Even though, many departments are facing problem to implement the same b’coz of lack of the technology knowledge. To overcome this problem, SupplierTiger has made tool to publish Tender Result online which is very user friendly and can be integrated with existing website.